International Federation of Sport Climbing


Sport Climbing

International Federation of Sport Climbing

00 39 011 385 39 95

The IFSC is an international non-governmental non-profit organization whose main objectives are the direction, regulation, promotion, development and furtherance of climbing competitions around the world. The IFSC fosters links, networks, and friendly relations among its members, their climbers and officials. The IFSC has committed itself to undertaking the following goals: to encourage, promote, develop and supervise climbing competitions worldwide, to promote the spirit of the Olympic Movement, respect the Olympic Charter, and to seek program status in the Olympic Games, to fight against doping and all other processes and procedures that might undermine sporting equality, to implement Anti-doping Rules in accordance with the World Anti- doping Code, to promote good sporting practice, to generally promote this sport as a healthy and educational activity for youth and to establish and maintain rules and standards for competition climbing,